This cutting technique is an economic, but also an environmentally friendly procedure. During the technological process, only pure water is used, without any other chemical or thermic substances added. This way, material distortion resulted from laser, plasma or oxi-gas cutting is completely eliminated, and almost no further tooling is needed.
With an experience of over 10 year in waterjet cutting, Famatech team has proven to be a stable, reliable and trustworthy partner who wants to develop lasting commercial relationships based on respect and mutual benefit.
Table size: 2050x4050x300 mm
Two cutting heads: abrasive; Four chung heads: pure water;
Accustream pump 150 HP
Anti-collision system
Precision: +/- 0.1 mm
Repetitiveness:+/- 0.05 mm
On request we can perform other operations such as:
We have a raw material stock-pile for the materials we most frequently use, but we also offer waterjet cutting services with customers material.
For additional information our commercial office is available by e-mail: and telephone: 0269/555 254.
Articol de
Str. Textiliștilor nr.17
555700 Tălmaciu
Jud. Sibiu
Tel. +40 269 555 254 | +40 755 010 971
Fax. +40 269 550 486