Georgia Business – Chain Conveyors – Redler Type

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Chain and scraper conveyors of the Redler type are intended for the transportation of grain in a horizontal direction at a certain distance and their discharge either in storage spaces or in some machines located in different technological flows. They are built modularly, from sections fixed by screws, from galvanized or painted steel sheet, and on special orders from stainless steel.

  • Transport capacity 5-200 t/h
  • Transmission by single or double chain with pinions, drive by motor-reducer with indirect attack
  • Teflon rollers for chain support on the return side every – 1.5 m
  • Overflow cover at the end of the redler

Optionally they can be equipped with:

  • Temperature sensors on star wheel bearings
  • Rotation monitoring device
  • Speed variator
  • Operating systems in ATEX areas – according to directive 94/9/EC from 1994

Chain conveyors are delivered with an appropriate number of feed and discharge ports, depending on the configuration of the technological flow in which it will be integrated.

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Georgia Business Company
Loc. Tecuci, Str. Gh.Petrașcu nr. 38b
Telefon: 0236-818.122
Mobil: 0744-793.101

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