Proinvest Group is a multiproduct company, with multiple manufacturing facilities specialized in steel processing, from simple components for construction up to tooling and precision mechanical components.
With over 500 dedicated employees, Proinvest Group specializes in steel processing since 2000 and currently benefits from the 40 years’ experience of the Scudas tools and components factory, acquired in April 2015.
Production and sales program of Proinvest Group comprises several groups of products, from construction components up to precision mechanical components for engineering and general industry.
Mechanical Components
Mechanical Components Division designs, manufactures and markets precision mechanical components for machine tools, automotive equipment and linear technique. Within this division can be processed structural steels, alloyed steels, tempered steels, case hardening steels, spring steels, stainless steels, having the following capabilities: free forging, die forging, heat treatment, lathering, milling, surface grinding and cylindrical grinding, shot blasting, blackening and marking. Proivest Group also offers R&D, engineering and reverse engineering services.
Besides mechanical components for machine tools, assembly lines and automotive industry, our company produces critical railway parts due to the certifications obtained in 2018 from the Romanian Railway Authority (AFER) / Romanian Railway Notification Body (ONFR Bucharest), the company following a continuous product portofolio development program.
Capabities and services
- Free forging: ≤100 kg/piece
- Die forging: ≤8 kg/piece
- Heat treatment: ≤500 kg/piece
- Lathering: ≤Ø400 x 1000 mm
- Milling: ≤600 x 400 x 1000 mm
- Surface grinding: ≤320 x 400 x 1000 mm
- Cylindrical grinding: ≤Ø400 x 2000 mm
- R&D; and engineering
- Reverse engineering
- Heat treatment
- Shot blasting
- Blackening
- Electrolytic zinc
- Marking and labeling