Proinvest Group – Tools, Tool-holders and Accessories

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Proinvest Group is a multiproduct company, with multiple manufacturing facilities specialized in steel processing, from simple components for construction up to tooling and precision mechanical components.

With over 500 dedicated employees, Proinvest Group specializes in steel processing since 2000 and currently benefits from the 40 years’ experience of the Scudas tools and components factory, acquired in April 2015.

Production and sales program of Proinvest Group comprises several groups of products, from construction components up to precision mechanical components for engineering and general industry.

Tools, Tool-holders and Accessories

Tools, Tool-holders and Accessories


SCUDAS tool-holders are characterized by a fast orientation and fixing in the bore spindle or in the tool magazine, trapping stability and high vibration absorption capability, as the excellent accuracy guarantees the shortening of auxiliary/set up time correlated with increasing productivity.

We offer dynamically balanced G2.-14000-25000 rpm (with a runout of 0.003 mm) tool-holders with BT and ISO clamping, for milling and drilling processes.

Cutting tools


We offer all types of CNC lathes with exterior and interior cutting tools equipped with specialized carbide removable inserts, able to process iron, carbon steels, alloy steels, stainless steels and titanium alloys.

Specialized body knifes equipped with specialized carbide removable inserts offer to our customers versatility, precision and scale economies for turning processes.

Slitting tools and guilotine knives


Proinvest Group’s Tools, Tool-holders and Accessories Division provides design and execution services for a wide range of tools, devices and accessories needed in various cutting operations -both longitudinal and transversal.

The range of products and accessories we market includes guillotine knives but also rotary slitter knives -that depending on the cutting application may have four types of surfaces. Selling program includes stripper rings for ejecting, transporting, lifting or stabilizing materials, steel stripper rings for slitting thin materials and also rubber/polyurethane bounded steel striper rings, spacers and hydraulic locking nuts – -that ensures optimal pressure distribution, guaranteed reproducible settings, short setup times.

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Proinvest Group SRL
Sediu central
Str. Gradinitei nr.1
RO – 705200 Pascani
Tel.: +40 232 760 050
Fax: +40 232 760 040

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Manufacturing Systems



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