ZEUS multi-cultivator

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Among the wide range of cultivators competing on the Romanian agricultural machinery market, the ZEUS multi-cultivator, manufactured in Arad by the only manufacturer of agricultural machinery in this county, IADRAN AGRI SRL, stands out for its flexibility and adaptability to different working conditions.

These attributes allow us to conclude that the choice is appropriate and the investment is safe by choosing these machines.

The ZEUS multi-cultivator stands out for its way of working, large quantities of plant residues left after harvesting are shredded and mixed -incorporated uniformly into the cultivated soil. It can work the superficial layers or up to a maximum depth of 40 cm, ensuring the creation of a quality seedbed in most cases in just one pass. Thus, farmers can save valuable working time and save fuel.

The shredding of vegetable remains on the surface or in the superficial layers as well as their incorporation is carried out with the set of independent discs positioned at the front of the machine. The bearings are of superior quality, maintenance-free. The balls are immersed in the oil bath.

The disc battery is followed by aggressive hoes that work the soil to a depth of 15-30 cm. The fins are made with a special shape that allows a good incorporation of plant residues and soil processing. The hoes are made of high quality steel, with a special profile for loosening and superior shredding.

The Zeus multi-cultivator is equipped with some sets of intermediate plates positioned between the hoes and the rollers, which have the role of leveling and shredding the soil.

To these is also added a double ring roller with self-cleaning. The roller offers a very good shredding and loosening of the soil.

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Calea Timișorii nr.212; Arad, Jud. Arad
Mobil: 0757081023 ; 0722390064; 0735881151; 0729062099
Tel/fax: 0257218821; 0357815750
E‐mail: iasengarden@yahoo.com; www.iasengarden.ro

dr. ing. Ioan Ladislau Caba
INMA sucursala Timișoara

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